Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Weddings.......freecycle style

This is not the first time I have seen this kind of request.
wanted: Wedding leftovers Wedding left overs....... ...anything and
everythingkids moving date up......and I am not prepared.thanks in advancecolors
are green and bluealso needing gowns....

I always find this one strange. I was no bridezilla, but I would have drawn the line at hand-me-down wedding favors. I mean, what do they do, cross off John and Sally March 2, 1998 on some napkins with a Sharpie and re-write Mark and Elizabeth, September 27, 2008 on them ????


Pregnantly Plump said...

so funny! What a great idea! This is up on our craigslist right now -http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/nva/wan/850493411.html

Dea said...

BWAHA!!! Even better is - when I worked as a server at a banquet hall, I would collect up all the leftover favors, and eBay them! LMAO!!!